April 2, 2013

Morning of Day 7

Today we had a 7am morning ‘call’ and had breakfast during which we "learned" from the chaperones that coffee helps to attract mosquitoes and that the day before one of us was bitten by a very rare insect called the African cave-dwelling Amazon tree spider *. Afterwards we refilled our bottles and boarded some canoes while the birthday boy, Henrik, stepped into something smelly. After having a lovely, but unfortunately short voyage through the Napo River, we arrived to our destination Pakay Chikta where we were to learn from the indigenous culture as well as help the community. We were greeted with songs and dance in which we had the pleasure of participating. Even though today is Easter Sunday, the students came to school and were excited to meet us. We had the pleasure of reading to them, but as it turns out all they wanted was to play games with us. After playing for some time we were shown around the village and learned about the medicinal plants of the area as well as how the people where able to survive with minimal contact with the outside world.
As told by our guide Livio, the indigenous are never hungry because of the Yucca plant which takes 2 to 3 weeks to grow. We were also given an actual cocoa plant to try which was very sweet. Then Livio made Aaron a hat from some leaves and plants. Before returning to the village we were shown the indigenous version of a belt, which is a plant with a lot of tiny little thorns that was also used to beat the children when they misbehaved.  Upon our return we ate lunch on tables laid with large leaves as tableclothes.  The meal was cooked rice with chicken wrapped in a leaf, and even in the unbearable heat of the Amazon the food was delicious.     

*obviously a joke.

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